Monday, January 10, 2011

Nevermind ~ And the Crowd Goes Wild!!!

Damn, I liked Bleach but it didn't prepare me for Nevermind. I was expecting the next level of hard core punk and instead I got sophisticated, multi layered melodies, catchy if ambiguous lyrics and an over all poppy sound that was no where in evidence on thier first release. Kurt's soulful signature sound assured me I was still listening to the same band but it was one much more polished and ready for mass consumption. In fact I was surprised by how many of the songs I actually recognized. I know, I the end Kurt hated this albumn too because he thought it was too comercial but for millions of people it was the gateway into a whole new world of music. Until then punk was a niche genre. Even the Ramones who showed just how poppy punk could be never reached the mainstream audience that Nirvana was able it. Of course it's all the fault of that little ditty called Smells Like Teen Spirit. Funny thing is that the band had no idea that would be thier break out hit. They were putting thier money on In Bloom which is still a pretty damn good song but nothing compared to Teen Spirit. They played it a few times in concernt, released a single to a few radio stations and by the time Nevermind hit the shelves millions of people were already fans. I'm not really sure why it became the anthem of a generation. Maybe because the title sounds like it should be? Really, the true strength is just how catchy and singable the damn song is. Like most of Nevermind I find myself singing it in my sleep. It's alot of fun, really beautifal in spots and as I suspected a siogn of things to come.
Oh, if any hard core fans want to be a part of a little experiemnt drop me a line. I need some help for a future post that should only take a few minutes of your time and will be pretty rewarding once it comes to fruition.


  1. Hardcore Nirvana fans or Project Me fans?

  2. Nirvana fans..I have a small experiemnt I want to do and I need the opinions of people in the know.
